So many women I work with are stay on plan breakfast and lunch but go off the rails in the evening.  They succumb to nighttime snacking to unwind from the day but it also undoes their weight loss.  Here you will learn four tips to stop nighttime snacking and consistently lose weight:

Reconnect With Your Why

Instead of focusing on stopping nighttime snacking, it is helpful to focus on what you want: lose weight!  Before you snack, stop and think about why you want to lose weight. Do you want to be healthy for your kids? Feel better in your clothes? Have more energy? Remind yourself of your why. Picture how proud you’ll feel in the morning when you stick to your plan.  

Create a New Evening Habit

A lot of nighttime snacking is just a habit. This is great news because habits can be formed and destroyed.  It’s as easy as doing something else instead! It can be as easy as choosing to watch TV in a different chair to change your habit. You can also sip a cup of tea, take a warm bath, or write down three things you’re grateful for. Find something that feels good and helps you relax without food and before you know it, you’ll be getting closer to your weight loss goal.

Out of sight, Out of mind

Don’t leave snacks where you can easily see them. At the end of the day, you are often emotionally and physically drained. Seeing crave-worthy foods is a recipe for caving-in. Often times, you don’t have the mental bandwidth to tell yourself no. Put snacks in hard-to-see places or don’t buy them at all. Instead, keep healthy options around like veggies, fruit, or yogurt if you really need something to eat.

Set a Kitchen Curfew

The final tip is to pick a time when the kitchen “closes” for the night. Wipe the counters down and start the dishwasher. If you need to, put a chair in the doorway to keep you out. After that, brush your teeth or chew gum. It’s a simple way to remind yourself that eating is done for the day.

Remember nighttime snacking is just a habit. Just something you’re used to doing.

And it can be changed.

You won’t cut nighttime snacking in one try.  Try one or all of these tips to stop nighttime snacking and before you know it, it will be a thing of the past.

Be patient with yourself and celebrate all your wins!

And remind yourself that you are evolving into that future version of yourself that is living and loving her goal weight life!

You’ve got this!

Your Coach,


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