The day after Thanksgiving can be a day of regret for those on a weight loss journey.  Many of my clients stray from their protocols or have too much to eat.  Here’s a simple three step process for getting back on track after Thanksgiving:

Calm down

Thanksgiving is one single day.  Not the end of the world.  Whatever happened on Thanksgiving can simply remain in the past and not affect how you show up today.  Getting back on track after Thanksgiving is equally an option as continuing to overeat throughout the rest of the holiday season.

You’re not a failure, weak willed or doomed to being overweight for the rest of your life.  Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are worthy no matter what.

Analyze without judgement

Next, think about yesterday and which choices you wish you could change.  Maybe it would have been only having one plate of food or skipping the piece of pie.  Ask yourself what contributed to those choices?


Was it wanting to please someone else?

Not wanting to say no?

Maybe you didn’t want to feel left out?


There are no right or wrong answers.  It’s just information.  Information that helps you better understand yourself.  When you understand yourself better, you can make better choices.  Then replay yesterday in your mind and envision yourself making better choices.  If you need help thinking of how you could have done things differently, check out this post on Weight Loss and the Holidays.

Remember getting back on track is an option

Finally, remind yourself that even though you might wish things had gone differently, you are still capable of reaching your weight loss goals.  Your journey will be full of ups and learning moments.  This is your learning moment.​  You can learn from this and get back on track for your weight loss goal.

Then move forward committed to making decisions today that are loving and supportive of your weight loss goals.  ​


If taking loving responsibility is difficult for you, I can help.

​Being able to understand your actions and getting back on track without shaming yourself is what makes the difference between reaching your weight loss goal or spinning in a weight loss/gain cycle for years.


​​Sign up for a call with me to get started today.


Your Coach,


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