Action is the currency of weight loss.  You can’t do the same things you’ve always done and expect different results.  And you most certainly cannot take different actions only once in a while and expect consistent results.  If you want to reach your weight loss goal, you must be consistent.  Consistency is what I coach clients on the most and so I have put together this list of five things you need to know for creating consistency in weight loss.


Consistency is NOT perfection

My clients often say they are not able to be consistent, when really they are being pretty consistent.  Let’s say the goal is to drink 64oz of water each day and they are only doing it five days, instead of seven.  Hate to break it to you but that IS being consistent.  That is consistently meeting the goal for five days.  There is a difference between wanting to increase the number days you meet the goal and being consistent.

Too often we believe we are not being consistent in weight loss when we aren’t perfect.  But that’s not the case!  Consistency does not equal perfection.  In fact, thinking you are not consistent because you aren’t perfect is defeating and causes you to quit.  So recognize when you ARE being consistent and that will increase your desire to continue to be consistent as well as take more positive action towards your weight loss goal.

Only make small, doable changes

I get it.  Being overweight can feel terrible.  There is likely an urgency to want to be thinner NOW.  But when you try to change everything about you, your routines, the foods you eat and the life you live, it takes a lot of energy and won’t last for long.  Too many weight loss journeys fail because they are trying to use willpower to muscle through changing everything about themselves and their lives.  Don’t do that to yourself.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is acceptance of where you are.  Take the pressure off of needing to be anything else.  You can accept where you are and still make positive change.  The best way to make that positive change is to make the changes small and level up when you get really good at that change.  Small, doable changes make weight loss feel really manageable and allows you to collect tons of wins.  And when you are winning, you know what?  You feel like taking more action.  And taking more action leads to more weight loss.

Use multiple ways to measure your success

The scale is not king of your weight loss journey.  The diet industry has brainwashed us all by using the scale as the number one measurement of success.  But you’re setting yourself up for defeat if that is the only way you measure your weight loss.

Scales are a lagging measure of the actions you take.  It may take weeks for the scale to reflect the fruits and veggies you’ve been eating or the workouts you completed.  I highly recommend using a habit tracker to measure your actions and use that as a sign of your weight loss progress.  You can also track your moods, body measurements, clothing fit and use before and after photos too.

Expect to not feel like it

Consistency often wains when we “don’t feel like it.”  But what if “feeling like it” wasn’t required?  What if you could take action anyway?  Well, you can!  It’s great to feel motivated and excited when you first start a new diet or exercise plan, but once that wears off and boredom sets in, it can feel difficult to keep taking action.

It has taken over 3 years for me to reach my weight loss goal.  There have been a lot of times that I didn’t want to work out or eat the food I planned.  And you know what?  I was still able to do it.  When motivation wains (and it will), you have to be able to rely on commitment and discipline to see it through.  One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to remain committed and disciplined through that time.  As you continue to take action, even when you don’t feel like it, that motivation will return and this time with a giant side of pride.

Remain focused and keep going no matter what

When you focus on the problem on your weight loss journey, you’ll find more of them.  When you focus on the solutions, you’ll find more weight loss.  Recognize when you are being inconsistent and figure out what you can do to become more consistent.  Focusing on how to be more consistent creates more consistent action and more consistent results in your weight loss journey.

When I started my weight loss journey in 2019, I simply decided that I was going to figure it out no matter what.  When I overate or missed a workout, I got curious with myself and figured out how to move forward.  You can choose the same.  There is no need to beat yourself up for being inconsistent.  Remain focused on your weight loss goal and allow yourself to be curious and find a different way going forward.  After all, if you continue to do the same things, you’ll get the same results.


What’s getting in your way of being consistent?


Your Coach,


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