Trigger foods.  Foods you can’t resist.  They call out to you and beg you to eat them.  Generally, these foods are not carrots, broccoli or apples.  They are decadent foods.  Often foods that you are forbidden because they are “bad foods” or unhealthy.  You probably feel out of control around these foods and blame them for any weight gain.  Never fear!  If you need help with trigger foods, this post is for you.  Here are four step for handling trigger foods like a boss:

1. Quit calling it a trigger food

Seems simple right?  But every time you call ice cream or chips your trigger food, you give all of your power away to it.  It becomes a dramatic story of how this food is the downfall of your weight loss.  You are powerless around it and must indulge.  Calling it a trigger food puts you and your weight loss at an extreme disadvantage.

Many people will tell you that they can’t keep certain foods in the house.  And while this is good intentioned that doesn’t mean you will never come face to face with that food.  Continuing to have this story in your mind guarantees anxiety, worry, and fearfulness about when you might come face to face with that food.  It can also lead to binging on these foods when you finally get the chance because they have become forbidden even though your desire for them is high.

Instead of calling them your trigger food, change the story to something more boring, like “It’s just a food you like to eat.”

2. Calm your brain down

Our brains have been designed to keep us safe.  Back in the times of cavewomen, this meant being able to identify ALL the problems around us that could cause us harm.  Life today does not require our brains to find the mountain lion or the poisonous berries.  But our brain still wants to do what it was designed to do:  FIND ALL THE PROBLEMS.  And guess what, your trigger food has been identified as a problem.

And that’s OK.

Not every problem our brain identifies is a true problem.  Nor is every problem our brain identifies a reason to take action. Your brain might tell you things like:  “Oh my god, there goes my diet!”  “I can never lose weight and have a social life too!”  “I will never be able to resist those!”  “I can never stop eating….”

All of those are just thoughts.  Thoughts that are completely optional.  Currently those thoughts are full of drama and doom.  Calm your brain down by making the story boring.  Remember, this isn’t a trigger food.  This is just a food I enjoy eating.

It can also be helpful to recognize other things you enjoy doing but are able to practice restraint around.  I love going for walks on beautiful days but somehow I still manage to go to work and earn a living on beautiful days.  I love spending money on cute clothes and yet each month I make sure enough remains in my account to pay the mortgage and utilities.  I’m sure you have similar examples in your life.  Don’t take what your brain presents you as the truth.  Ask yourself if your brain is being dramatic and if you have evidence that the opposite is true as well.

3. Visualize how you want to eat them

Now this isn’t a lusty visualization practice.  The purpose isn’t to create more desire for the food by imagining how amazing it tastes.  This visualization is to practice being around these trigger foods and imagining yourself being in control and intentional about how you eat them.

My clients often feel burdened and powerless around these trigger foods.  So I ask them to imagine what it would look like to be in control around them.  Imagine yourself having your trigger food in your pantry.  Visualize yourself going into the pantry for other things and never reaching for that food.  Imagine yourself being unaffected that it is sitting there.

Another visualization you can do is enjoying the trigger food.  Watch yourself plate it, eat half of it and then throwing the rest out.  If that causes you some anxiety, remind yourself that you are able to buy more at any time.  This food is always available to you.  Reminding yourself this can provide comfort that no matter what you are in charge and able to obtain that food whenever you want.  It helps take away the scarcity and urgency away from that food.

4. Practice being around them

Once you spend time visualizing yourself around these trigger foods, you can practice being around them in real life.  Before you do, use that brain for what it was designed for!  Ask it what problems might come up that could derail you from showing up as you visualized.   Maybe you won’t want to stop eating it.  Perhaps you eat the entire box of them.

After identifying the potential problems, come up with a game plan.  Maybe you start with two cookies on a plate and put the package away.  Or you serve some chips and dip and then relocate to another room to enjoy them.  Whatever you think might help you stick with your plan that you visualized.  Then go for it!

Remember, perfection is not a requirement and it is likely that you might have some overeats or completely ignore the plan all together.  That’s OK.  Progress has already been made by thinking it through beforehand and you’ll get more and more skilled at being around your trigger foods the more you practice.


What trigger food will you practice with?


Your Coach,


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