Far too many of us hold the scale as the final authority on whether or not we are doing weight loss right.  If we see a loss less than the gold standard of two pounds, we tell ourselves it’s “just” a pound or not really a loss at all.  Here are three ways to accept any number on the scale.

Remind yourself that fluctuations happen

Lots of things can affect your body weight.  Water consumption, salt intake, time of the month, illness, and bowl movements can all affect the number on the scale.  It’s important to remind yourself that not all blips on the scale are a result of our habits.   Weight naturally fluctuates anywhere from two to four pounds day to day.  Embrace this as a part of your journey and don’t freak out.

Don’t reside in La-la land either.  Blips week after week on the upward trajectory is a sign of weight gain and needs a closer inspection of your daily habits.  In either case, you can accept the number on the scale by reminding yourself that this number is never fixed.  The number is meant to go up and down and you can always take action to change it.


Always err on the positive side

Small, downward blips can also be attributed to natural fluctuations but you get a choice to count it towards progress or something fleeting.  Always erring on the positive.  Count it towards your progress.  Why?  Because when you tell yourself you’re a little closer to your goal, you’ll feel more motivated to take more action and confident that you will eventually hit your goal.  When you tell yourself that it’s not really a loss or that it’s just a weight fluctuation, you’ll feel inadequate and disappointed.

It’s much easier to accept the number on the scale when you tell yourself that it’s evidence of progress.  There is no downside to counting it.  Embrace every win, no matter how small and insignificant you may think it is.


You are in control

When the number goes up, and it will, remind yourself that no number on the scale is ever final.  This helps accept the number for what it is: temporary.  As mentioned before, normal weight fluctuations will move the number up and down regularly.

Even if you gained a large amount of weight, it serves you to remind yourself that no number is final.    A change in your habits caused the weight gain and a change in your habits can help you lose it.  Seeing a number on the scale and lamenting that you’ll never be able to lose the weight is a sure way to quit.  Reminding yourself that no number is ever final can crack open hope for you to believe that you can see a lower number in the future.  It reclaims the power back from the scale and puts it back in your hands.  The number on the scale is a reflection of your habits.  You are always in control.


The number on the scale doesn’t mean anything until you think something about it.  It’s your choice.  The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can continue on your journey in a positive direction.  Fighting against reality never wins.


Your Coach,


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