Millions of people try losing weight each year with the end goal in mind.  A certain number of pounds lost, a particular pant size or a dress they are trying to wear for a special occasion.  But it’s much more important to have the right start to your weight loss journey.  Here are five things you need to be successful in weight loss:

Belief that you can do it

It’s essential for successful weight loss that you believe YOU can do it.  This is different than thinking you found the right diet that will shed pounds quickly or the right exercise routine that will give you washboard abs.  This is the belief that you can follow the plan and stick with it.  This is the belief that you are willing and able to do the work.  Fake it until you make it doesn’t apply here.  That will only lead to success over a couple of months then inevitably quitting and undoing any progress you made.

Don’t worry.  If your belief is a little shaky, that’s OK.  You don’t have to believe that you are able to do it for your ENTIRE weight loss journey.  But can you start with the belief in you today?  Can you stick to it today?  Then ask yourself the same question for tomorrow….then the next day and the next…and before you know it you’ve grown your belief in your weight loss abilities.

Acceptance that you won’t always be perfect

Decide right from day one that you won’t always be perfect and that’s OK.  I have lost over 90 pounds and I had many days that I ate off plan or overate.  I decided that I wouldn’t let that be a reason to think I was broken or incapable of losing weight.  I simply made that mean that I was a human that made a choice that didn’t align with my goal.  I didn’t have to be perfect but I did need to get back on-track as soon as possible.

You won’t always be perfect either.  Accepting that from the beginning takes a lot of the drama out of it.  Treat it as an event you knew was coming then get back on track as soon as possible.  It’s like being on a car trip.  You might get a flat tire at some point.  It’s something that happens but isn’t a reason to quit going onto your destination and live on the side of the road for the rest of your life.  You put your spare tire onto the car and get moving again.  You have that choice on your weight loss journey as well.  You can choose to eat on plan for the very next meal and keep on moving onto your weight loss goal.

Be open to trying different things

If you do the same things you have always done, you’ll get the very same results you already have.  Being success in weight loss requires eating and drinking in ways that are different than what you’ve been doing.  It doesn’t take a complete 180-degree turnaround to get different results but it does require small changes.  The very first thing I ask my clients to do is to ask themselves before every meal “Am I hungry?” If the answer is yes, eat.  If the answer is no, wait until you are hungry.  They are amazed at what a difference it makes just asking themselves this small question.

Really open your mind to all the possibilities for change.  You could drink a few more sips of water, leave a couple bites behind at each meal, switch to whole grain bread or walk for fifteen minutes each day.  Be careful not to think that these actions are too small to amount to any weight loss.  Every small action adds up.  Plus it makes your journey more enjoyable since you aren’t having to rely on Herculean willpower to muster through.

Decide to figure it out

Maybe the things you tried didn’t result in weight loss.  Again, not a big deal.  Change it up and see what DOES work.  The problem with diets and exercise plans is that they don’t take into account the individual person.  The way I teach weight loss is custom to YOU.  You are the expert in your weight loss and I help you find that inner wisdom that defines weight loss on your own terms.  Because when you define weight loss on your own terms, you lose all your weight without any fear of it ever returning.

So get curious when you stop losing weight.  Ask yourself what contributed to that.  Find something new to try next that will give you a different result.  Your weight loss journey will change along the way and willingness to figure it out is required to be successful.

Love yourself no matter what

Starting your weight loss journey with self-hate or loathing for your body is a recipe for disaster.  You don’t have to go from hating yourself to loving yourself.  Just stop the hateful comments.  When I was 250-pounds and hated the way I looked, I simply made an agreement with myself to stop saying hateful things.  I didn’t have to change it to something loving.  I just said to myself “I don’t think that way anymore.”  Then as my journey progressed and I gained for confidence and love for myself, I was able to say loving things instead.  The amazing thing is that your brain cannot think two thoughts at the same time.  As soon as you start thinking something new, the other thought is gone.

Here’s why loving yourself is so important.  Think about going in for a performance evaluation and your boss tells you how much he hates you and everything you do is wrong.  Then he demands that you make huge changes.  How likely is it that you will rise up to meet his demands?  I don’t know about you but I’d be searching for a new job!

Now imagine that a different boss calls you in for a review.  He tells you that she’s proud of you, you’re doing a great job and you are a valuable member of the team.  They have noticed you could improve in one certain area and would like you to do a few things differently.  What do you do?  I bet you start making a plan to improve those few things.

You are the boss in your weight loss journey.  If you love yourself, tell yourself that you are doing a great job and you are proud of your efforts, you’ll feel more capable of figuring out your weight loss journey.  If you choose to be a jerk boss, then chances are you will quit.

It’s not always easy being a good boss to yourself.  If you are anything like I was, you were probably a bad boss to yourself for a very long time.  And that’s OK.  Change is possible and I can teach you how to be a good boss to yourself so you can be successful on your weight loss journey.


Sign up for a free call with me today and let’s get you started on your weight loss journey.


Your Coach,


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