Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Eating when you are not hungry equals weight gain.  And if you are on a weight loss journey that is a recipe for disaster!  But how do you stop eating when you aren’t hungry?  Follow these three steps to get back in tune with your body and stop eating when you aren’t hungry:   Step […]

How to stop boredom eating

How to stop obsessing about food when bored

Boredom eating is a struggle for many of us.  If you’re a human, chances are you think eating is a lot of fun.  Especially in America, eating food is one of the most common activities we engage in while having fun.  Think about it.  Birthdays equal cake and ice cream.  Date nights are dinner and […]

Seven signs that you are an emotional eater

How to stop emotional eating

Emotional eating is the enemy of weight loss.  It is very easy to identify emotional eating when it presents itself exactly how we see it in the movies:  woman gets dumped and she sobs into a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.  But that’s not the only way emotional eating presents itself. Here are seven signs […]