How visualization can help you lose weight

How visualization can help you lose weight

A powerful tool you can use on your weight loss journey is visualization.  I often tell my clients that our thoughts are the instruction manuals for our brains but that doesn’t just include the sentences we tell ourselves.  Our brains are powerful machines.  You can reinforce those thoughts, create more desire, strengthen commitment and increase […]

How to find your why for losing weight

How to find your why for losing weight

When people are struggling to lose weight, I often hear them say that they don’t have a compelling enough reason why they want to lose weight.  Your why can often be the reason you choose to continue on your weight loss journey even when you don’t feel like it.  It is a reason greater than […]

Top 20 quotes to keep you motivated on your weight loss journey

Top 20 quotes to keep you motivated on your weight loss journey

Millions of people have gone on a weight loss journey.  And millions of people have lost their motivation at one time or another.  Sometimes all you need is a great quote to get you in a motivated state of mind and start making progress on your journey again.   Here are my top 20 quotes […]

What to do when you lose your weight loss motivation

weight loss motivation

Motivation is a fleeting thing.  It seems to come and go as it pleases.  Once motivation begins to wain so often do the healthy habits we put in place to lose weight.  For many of us, this is a problem as we begin to put on weight and feel like we have failed. So what […]

What to do when you gain weight

What to do when you gain weight

I wish I could promise you that your weight loss journey will be a steady loss however that is not how life works.  There are many weeks where you will lose weight but there will also be weeks when you maintain and *gasp* gain.  If you are living life at the same time you are […]

How to find your weight loss motivation in 3 easy steps

How to find your weight loss motivation in 3 easy steps

When people talk about weight loss often it is accompanied by the word motivation.  They say things like: I need to get motivated to lose weight and eat healthy. I just don’t have the motivation to exercise. I have lost all my motivation to lose weight. I’ll be more motivated to lose weight once the […]

How to create a successful weight loss plan in 5 easy steps

How to create a successful weight loss plan in 5 easy steps

Weight loss can be very overwhelming especially when you have over 100 pounds to lose.  You may get confused on where to start or which food and exercise plan is the best.  There are thousands of options out there and it can seem impossible to know which one is right for you. Here are five […]

Nine lessons learned from losing 90 pounds

Losing 90 pounds

When you lose over 90 pounds, the process will change you.  You learn things about yourself, see yourself in a new light and even evolve into a better version of yourself (and not just because you lost a ton of weight).  I’m going to share with you nine lessons I have learned on my journey […]

Water and Your Weight Loss

Water and weight loss

Water is a vital part of losing weight.  Our bodies are up to 60% water AND water is an integral part of fat loss.  So to keep your body functioning at it’s best and ready to lose fat, you have to drink water.  Period. How much water do you have to drink to lose weight? […]