How to reward yourself without food

How to reward yourself without using food

At my highest weight of 250 pounds, rewarding myself with food was an everyday event.  Got through a tough meeting?  Head to Starbucks for a tasty drink.  Kids behaving badly and you aren’t screaming at them?  Sneak a few Oreos from the pantry.  Slayed your To-do list like a boss?  Toast yourself with a glass […]

How to make weight loss easier

How to make weight loss easier

Who wants weight loss to feel easier?  All of us.  When you think of weight loss, do you envision calorie counting and working out for hours at a time?  Maybe it’s cleaning out the pantry and swearing off your favorite foods?  For so many of us, weight loss is a nasty list of to-do’s that […]

100 Non-scale victories to celebrate

100 nonscale victories to celebrate on your weight loss journey

The scale is only one measure of success on your weight loss journey.  Most people ONLY focus on that one measurement.  Why is that a problem?  Well, the scale will NOT show a loss each week.  Hormones, water retention, stress, bathroom issues, etc. can all affect the number on the scale and won’t reflect the […]

How to create a successful weight loss plan in 5 easy steps

How to create a successful weight loss plan in 5 easy steps

Weight loss can be very overwhelming especially when you have over 100 pounds to lose.  You may get confused on where to start or which food and exercise plan is the best.  There are thousands of options out there and it can seem impossible to know which one is right for you. Here are five […]

Five tips to drink water when you HATE it

5 tips for drinking more water when you hate it

It’s no secret that drinking water is a vital part of weight loss.  Our bodies are up to 60% water AND one of the steps of fat loss is hydrolysis (hydro = water).  So to be the most effective at losing weight, you have to drink water. But what can you do to get yourself […]

Nine lessons learned from losing 90 pounds

Losing 90 pounds

When you lose over 90 pounds, the process will change you.  You learn things about yourself, see yourself in a new light and even evolve into a better version of yourself (and not just because you lost a ton of weight).  I’m going to share with you nine lessons I have learned on my journey […]

How to Make Weight Loss Fun

How to make weight loss fun

For those losing weight, you can finally cue the confetti and pop the champagne only when you hit our goal weight.  Right? But does it have to be that way? Can weight loss be fun even before you hit your goal weight? The answer is absolutely YES!  Weight loss doesn’t have to be a boring […]