Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Eating when you are not hungry equals weight gain.  And if you are on a weight loss journey that is a recipe for disaster!  But how do you stop eating when you aren’t hungry?  Follow these three steps to get back in tune with your body and stop eating when you aren’t hungry:   Step […]

Five steps to overcoming guilt over food choices

Five steps to overcoming guilt over food choices

Feeling guilt over your food choices?  Living in a world where the diet industry makes billions of dollars and offers contradictory information at best, it is no wonder that many of us feel that there are “good” or “bad” foods and feel immense guilt over our food choices.  So how can you live a normal […]

Four steps to help with trigger foods

Four steps to help with trigger foods

Trigger foods.  Foods you can’t resist.  They call out to you and beg you to eat them.  Generally, these foods are not carrots, broccoli or apples.  They are decadent foods.  Often foods that you are forbidden because they are “bad foods” or unhealthy.  You probably feel out of control around these foods and blame them […]

How to stop boredom eating

How to stop obsessing about food when bored

Boredom eating is a struggle for many of us.  If you’re a human, chances are you think eating is a lot of fun.  Especially in America, eating food is one of the most common activities we engage in while having fun.  Think about it.  Birthdays equal cake and ice cream.  Date nights are dinner and […]

Nine lessons learned from losing 90 pounds

Losing 90 pounds

When you lose over 90 pounds, the process will change you.  You learn things about yourself, see yourself in a new light and even evolve into a better version of yourself (and not just because you lost a ton of weight).  I’m going to share with you nine lessons I have learned on my journey […]

How To Stop Night Time Snacking

How to stop nighttime snacking

How do you stop late night snacking?!  It’s a problem that many of my clients have.  You finish up the nightly chores, put the kids to bed and grab a seat on the couch to relax for a bit.  Then it hits you, “I think we still have some of those chips in the pantry” […]