Five Tips for Recovering from Holiday Overeating

Five Tips for Recovering from Holiday Overeating

The holiday season is marked by good times with family and friends plus delicious, holiday treats.  If you have been overeating these holiday treats, then these five tips on recovering from holiday overeating are for you! 1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: After indulging in holiday goodies, prioritize hydration. Water is your body’s best friend when it […]

How to accept any number on the scale

How to accept any number on the scale

  Far too many of us hold the scale as the final authority on whether or not we are doing weight loss right.  If we see a loss less than the gold standard of two pounds, we tell ourselves it’s “just” a pound or not really a loss at all.  Here are three ways to […]

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Eating when you are not hungry equals weight gain.  And if you are on a weight loss journey that is a recipe for disaster!  But how do you stop eating when you aren’t hungry?  Follow these three steps to get back in tune with your body and stop eating when you aren’t hungry:   Step […]

How to get back on track after Thanksgiving

Getting back on track after Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving can be a day of regret for those on a weight loss journey.  Many of my clients stray from their protocols or have too much to eat.  Here’s a simple three step process for getting back on track after Thanksgiving: ​ Calm down Thanksgiving is one single day.  Not the end […]

Five thoughts that kept me FAT

Five Thoughts That Kept Me FAT

For all of my adult life, I felt stuck.  It felt like my fate in life was to be overweight.  I tried and failed so many diets that I figured I was just broken.  In reality, the only thing that was broken was my thinking.  Here are five thoughts that kept me FAT: I don’t […]

Four steps to help with trigger foods

Four steps to help with trigger foods

Trigger foods.  Foods you can’t resist.  They call out to you and beg you to eat them.  Generally, these foods are not carrots, broccoli or apples.  They are decadent foods.  Often foods that you are forbidden because they are “bad foods” or unhealthy.  You probably feel out of control around these foods and blame them […]

What to do when you gain weight

What to do when you gain weight

I wish I could promise you that your weight loss journey will be a steady loss however that is not how life works.  There are many weeks where you will lose weight but there will also be weeks when you maintain and *gasp* gain.  If you are living life at the same time you are […]