How to reward yourself without food

How to reward yourself without using food

At my highest weight of 250 pounds, rewarding myself with food was an everyday event.  Got through a tough meeting?  Head to Starbucks for a tasty drink.  Kids behaving badly and you aren’t screaming at them?  Sneak a few Oreos from the pantry.  Slayed your To-do list like a boss?  Toast yourself with a glass […]

How Sleep Helps with Weight Loss

How Sleep Helps With Weight Loss

For many busy women, we find that extra time in our day to workout or meal prep by getting up earlier or staying up later.  But are we actually doing ourselves a favor when it comes at the cost of our sleep?  In this blog post, I will uncover for you how sleep helps with […]

How to stay on track over the weekends

Stay on track for weight loss over the weekends

For so many of my clients, weight loss seems to be easier Monday through Friday.  There is structure and routine.  During the week, it is easy to be focused but once the weekend comes, routine goes out the window!  Here are five ways you can stay on track over the weekends: Make a plan While […]

How to make weight loss easier

How to make weight loss easier

Who wants weight loss to feel easier?  All of us.  When you think of weight loss, do you envision calorie counting and working out for hours at a time?  Maybe it’s cleaning out the pantry and swearing off your favorite foods?  For so many of us, weight loss is a nasty list of to-do’s that […]

Creating consistency in weight loss

Creating consistency in weight loss

Action is the currency of weight loss.  You can’t do the same things you’ve always done and expect different results.  And you most certainly cannot take different actions only once in a while and expect consistent results.  If you want to reach your weight loss goal, you must be consistent.  Consistency is what I coach […]

The ONE thing you need to start losing weight

The ONE thing you need to start losing weight

People overcomplicate weight loss all the time.  But to get started and to keep going, you really only need one thing:  Belief.  It’s absolutely true.  Believing that you can lose weight is the ONE thing you need.  You don’t need a food scale, a bathroom scale or a calorie counting app to get started.  All […]

100 Non-scale victories to celebrate

100 nonscale victories to celebrate on your weight loss journey

The scale is only one measure of success on your weight loss journey.  Most people ONLY focus on that one measurement.  Why is that a problem?  Well, the scale will NOT show a loss each week.  Hormones, water retention, stress, bathroom issues, etc. can all affect the number on the scale and won’t reflect the […]

Why weight loss goals suck

Weight Loss Goals Suck

One of the most influential books on my weight loss journey was Atomic Habits by James Clear.  His take on setting weight loss goals blew my mind and helped me to set my weight loss journey up for success.  Basically Atomic Habits says that goals (including weight loss goals) suck and don’t help you achieve lasting […]

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Three steps to stop eating when not hungry

Eating when you are not hungry equals weight gain.  And if you are on a weight loss journey that is a recipe for disaster!  But how do you stop eating when you aren’t hungry?  Follow these three steps to get back in tune with your body and stop eating when you aren’t hungry:   Step […]

Five things for successful weight loss

Five things for successful weight loss

Millions of people try losing weight each year with the end goal in mind.  A certain number of pounds lost, a particular pant size or a dress they are trying to wear for a special occasion.  But it’s much more important to have the right start to your weight loss journey.  Here are five things […]